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Google Analytics

Google Analytics' advanced video tracking capabilities can give you more information about your visitors. 

First, you need to login to your Google Analytics page to copy your site tracking id. Make sure that you are working with the latest Google Analytics GA4. Here is what it is.

Note: you need to wait one day to see your starts in Google Analytics (besides watching Real-time stats)

Here is how to do it:

1) Click on  the Admin icon

2) Select Data Streams

3) Click on your domain name

4) Copy your "Measurement ID", starting on "G-XXXXXXX"

5) Now, go to Vidello app and insert the Measurement ID there in "Analytics" tab > click on "Save"

6) Then, Google Analytics starts collecting data.

7) How to view the Analytics Report

In Google Analytics, select Reports -> Engagements -> Events

Here you'll find the default events -- plays, views, conversions, 25% watched, 50% watched, 75% watched, and 100% watched. You can set up custom events as well.

Note: you need to wait one day to see your starts in Google Analytics

You can watch your stats in Real-time view as well.

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