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Customizing the E-commerce App

In the Apps section, click on E-commerce

Pick a Style from the menu

Go to Settings

To customize the background of the product,  click on Background

Select the color family using the color slide, choose the color shade from the color picker, and adjust the opacity using the opacity slider

To customize the color of the button,  click on Button

Replacing the product image

Click on Replace Image > locate and select the image you want to use

Pause Player ON -- The video stops playing when the e-commerce app appears

Pause Player OFF--The video continues to play when the e-commerce app shows

Show Skip ON --  A "CLOSE" option appears in the corner that lets the viewer close the app

Link URL -- The page/site where the viewer is taken when the Buy Now button is clicked

Open in -- The site opens in the same or a new window 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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