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When to Use CDN?

Vidello 2.0 lets you enable/disable the use of a Content Delivery Network(CDN).
This feature can help you save in AWS costs in case you don't need your pages to be delivered globally*. 

*What does it mean when your video page is delivered globally?

Videos are stored on Amazon S3 and delivered via Amazon Cloud Front-- a CDN. 

Your videos are automatically replicated on many servers around the globe. 

When a user visits your website with the embed code of Vidello, the closest server to the user is used, granting it high speed and reliability.

When you switch the CDN OFF, only S3 is used. 

So, let’s say you are in UK and your business is in UK only. You can just select the AWS node located in the UK and turn the CDN off.

With this, you can save money because S3 is cheaper than Cloud Front.

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